Saturday, December 10, 2011

FREE Vintage Digital Stamp - Shoe Ad

Do you like shoes?

I like those cute pair of Mary-Jane shoes,
third pair over....hmmm, only .87 cents!

{Click on image to download/save...}

FREE Vintage Digital Stamp!!!

This image was my best-selling rubber stamp.
I know you'll love it!


I am truly flattered
that you stopped by
and hope
you keep coming back...

Find a blog button
off to the side of the page...




  1. Those are my favorites too, Pamela! I'd wear them with my swimsuit! lol
    Thanks so much for all these fabulous images! You're going to keep me VERY busy!! I'm grabbing your button too!...Nancy :o)

  2. Thank you for these! Can you imagine a price like that???
    Thank you for visiting my blog, too! I am putting your bage on my blog! Thanks again!

  3. Again, thanks for your vintage digis..


  4. 89 cents...WOW!
    Wonderful image, thank you VERY much. :)

  5. Woohoooooo....I'll take one of each pair please :) Thanks for sharing this with us.

  6. This one is my favorite! Can't wait to make a card with it.


Thank-you for your comments! I am so flattered that you stopped by! xo

-pamela :)