Tuesday, December 13, 2011

FREE Vintage Digital Stamp - Another ATC

Artist Trading Card

You never know when you might need another
label for the back of your Artist Trading Cards...

{Click on image to download/save...}


You can place nine images on
an 8.5" x 11" sheet of paper,
so it looks like this:


FREE Vintage Digital Stamps!!!
Everyday~All Vintage, All Free!

{gif file}


  1. Ooh...I really like the design of this one too! Thank you! :o)

  2. This is great. I am going to print off a couple of pages of these!! Thanks.

  3. Thank you for all the digi stamps that you graceously given from your heart. May blessing flood you over and over.

  4. This is a wonderful blog and I thank you for being so generous with you digi images. I love the vintage ones the best and the ATC labels are fantastic; tried to make my own, but not quite right. Thanks Pamela.

  5. These are very nice and vintage looking! love it!

  6. Thank you so much. You are a gem for sharing.

  7. Thanks you for sharing ! This is great !!


Thank-you for your comments! I am so flattered that you stopped by! xo

-pamela :)