Thursday, December 29, 2011

FREE Vintage Images - Circa 1889

In case you ever find that you need
a calendar circa April 1889...

Another FREE Vintage Image:

{Click to download/save jpg image...}

I can't believe that it will soon be 2012,
where does the time go?


  1. What a fun image! lol Time passes way too quickly! I used one of your images on a card, it's in my most recent post! Thanks very much!...Nancy :o)

  2. Oh my, Pamela!!!!!!! I just LOVE LOVE LOVE this calendar image!


    thank you so much for your generosity :)

    Do you have a button for your Stamps D'Amour store so I can advertise for you on my blog??

  3. Such a fun image, love it. all the best for 2012. hugs heidi x


Thank-you for your comments! I am so flattered that you stopped by! xo

-pamela :)