Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Free Vintage Valentines - Retro Little Girls

Free Vintage Valentines
Yesterday, I was in my little booth
at the mega antique mall
decorating it for Valentine's Day...

I was in there for like 6 hours!
Three hours moving things around...
and three hours chatting with people!

Where does the time go?

I know that you will LOVE these images:
{Click to download/save jpg images...}
"You're sweet, I like you..."

How cute is this circus girl image?

Oh, so sad little one... :(

This die-cut valentine
looks about circa 1930's.

I want to say
to all the ladies who
having been "pinning" images
from here on Pinterest!!!

If you haven't checked out Pinterest yet...
It's a "virtual" pin-up board
for the world to see!
{It reminds me of the Etsy treasury pages}

You can arrange your
virtual boards by categories.

You can't even just sign-up...
You need to be invited.
{I find that intriguing}

It's a neat way to see so many
eye-catching images all in
one place and discover
new websites too.

Many thanks!


  1. I'm loving these vintage kids Valentines, Pamela. I lead a weekly kids group and I plan to make cards for each one with these vintage beauties. Thanks.

    PS - I used my parrot's tail feather (moulted) on my card in my Jan.10 posting.

  2. Beautiful. I adore Oh, so sad little one. Thank you. Lily Anuska

  3. These are sooooooooooooo Stinkin' Cute!!!!!!!!!!! I'm trying to decide on a Valentine card that I can send to all my special friends. I'll be on a cruise so I thought it would be great if I could find a "sunk without you" (or something sailor/boat, etc related). Of course, I want it to be adorable but it also has to be quick because I've still got tons of do to get ready. Any chance you might have something "perfect" for me???

  4. @ScrappyMama - Of course, I will find something perfect for my fabulous blog friend! It will have the "aw, that's so cute!" response from your special friends! Give me 24 hours....xo

    -pamela :)

  5. I hope you don't get tired of me telling you...
    You're the BEST!!!!! MWAH!!!!

  6. thanks for the free vintage digi stamps. I create vintage one of a kind greeting cards. If you like stop by my blog at and and

    I hope to see you drop in and become a follower. I am going to become a follower of you. Have a great weekend.


Thank-you for your comments! I am so flattered that you stopped by! xo

-pamela :)