Monday, February 13, 2012

Free Vintage Digital Stamp - David

Have you ever seen the
statue of David in person?

Not including the plaster
one at Caesar's Palace
in Vegas...

The real one {made of marble}
by Michelangelo is on
display in a Florence

It's amazing to see in person!
A very detailed masterpiece!

{CLick to download/save jpg image...}

There are two other {smaller}
replicas located in Florence.

One is green and the other
is not green...both are

{Click to download/save png image...}
The above image has a transparent background.

Many signs are posted that
photos are "forbidden"...

However, everyone is taking photos...

A Museum attendant will come up
and shake a finger at you
if they see you.

A Russian Tourist in my
group snapped this one
and emailed it to me.

Although, this is a G-rated site...
Just remember, that
David is not wearing pants
or a fig leaf...

Can you believe this work of art
is over 500 years old?

I'm glad you stopped by!


  1. This is a interesting image to have. I like how you noted no pants or fig leaf. Ha! (So funny.)

  2. He is a vision! 500 years old or not. ;) Thank you for the post.

  3. Thanks for these images of David. And for the photo, too.

  4. *gasp* Not even a fig leaf? Really? lol Thanks very much, Pamela! More for my daughter's travel album. I can't remember discussing David with her. Hmmm...perhaps I'll have to do that! ;o)

  5. He is beautiful. Thanks for only giving the bust version. I admit to blushing at the full statue, even though I knew it was a nudie.


Thank-you for your comments! I am so flattered that you stopped by! xo

-pamela :)