Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Free Vintage Image Download - 1940's Wedding Photo

Free Vintage Photo Download

Vintage Wedding Photos
are always very popular...

Here is a nice one:

{Click to download/save jpg image...}

I just noticed...

Does this guy have two brides
or maybe one bride is missing
her groom in the photo?

What are your thoughts?

Thanks again for dropping by!

Free Vintage Images daily!


  1. Perhaps he thought a double wedding meant 2 brides:)
    Val x

  2. Maybe it's an older version of the Bachelor? :o)

  3. Glad you said that 'cause my initial thought was, "wow...interesting honeymoon."
    LOVE the images...thank you. ;)

  4. The second one has a shorter veil and I wouldn't be surprised if her dress was pale blue or pink or something - making her a slightly unusual bridesmaid in a B&W photo. Maybe they couldn't afford a bridesmaid's dress and so she used her own wedding dress (possibly dyed)? Maybe someone in the family will see the photo and put us out of our misery?

  5. Lots of room for speculation, eh? Maybe one bride is his sister. Or maybe the older bride is actually wearing pink and she is the maid of honor.

    Makes me think of that saying, "Sometimes less is more." Jacob (bible) had two brides and no end of headaches.

    Thanks for this cool photo.

  6. they could be conjoined twins... look closely where their shoulders are and how their veils overlap.... they look like twins to me...

  7. Like Sharon, I think they look like twins. Maybe that's their Dad with them on their wedding day? Nice photo - TFS! Hugs!!

  8. If not twins, at least sisters, having a double wedding. And the guy is probly their brother who will give them away...maybe....They might even be triplets! I have pix of my mom n dad's wedding that I have scrapped. I love heritage pages. I do love your images. Thanks so much for sharing them.

  9. That was my initial thought too Pamela! Two Brides, One groom? But, I think I agree with GlendaC!!!!!!! :) I showed my husband & he thought the photo was a "set up!" :)

  10. Great pic. I think the one on the far right might be the matron of honor / bridesmaid. Her veil is a lot shorter and no bouquet. In my dad & mom's pic [1946] mom's brother & sister in law were their attendants. My aun't dress is almost like my mom's but not a full and with a shorter veil... just like this one. This is just another thought.

  11. LOVE it! Thanks for sharing the picture and thanks everyone for the great comments! I was laughing so much, everyone else had to come see what was so funny! Norma W

  12. i know a lot of people had "double weddings" back then... at least in my grandmothers era... because they couldn't afford to have single weddings - I'd say a sibling picture!

  13. I thought it was a mormon wedding...

  14. I think that they are brother and his twin sisters.... getting maried the same day. If so, I should prefer him in the middle of the brides. It's a photographer's fault...ha ha ha. Karen, you gave me the inspiration to scan my parents wedding photo (1949) and make a vintage collage. Thanks and Kisses from Athens, Greece.

  15. Sorry....I think it's a mistake I have called you "Karen".....The right is "Pamela" ???...But I admire and love you both....Sorry again. Kisses.


Thank-you for your comments! I am so flattered that you stopped by! xo

-pamela :)