Sunday, April 22, 2012

Free Vintage Image Download - Lovely Butterflies

Free Vintage Image Download

How about some lovely
butterfly images?

These images are png format
They have a transparent background.

{Click on images to download/save...}

These are great for Digital Art
or Collage Art...or handmade cards!

You are free to use these images
for your projects!

FREEBIE vintage images everyday!!!


It is supposed to reach 102 degrees
here in the Phoenix, AZ area...whew!

Hope you are having a nice weekend! xo


  1. Absolutely love butterflies and these are gorgeous Pamela, thank you! Hope you don't melt today:)
    Val x

  2. Hi there,

    For the past little while, if I try to download a png file from your blog it will only save as an "untitled" "bitmap file". Which is the image on a black background. Any ideas why that would be? I have no problems downloading your jpeg files though.

    1. Hi Yvonne - that is a very good question. I have had others mention the same thing. I am looking into this to have an answer...I'm sure it's a simple one! I'll let you know when I find out. xo

      -pamela :)

  3. They're GORGEOUS, Pamela! Thank you very much! :o)

  4. Wow! These are super stunning. Thanks bunches, Pamela.

  5. WOW!!!!! LOOK at the COLORS!!!!!!!!! SO BRIGHT!!! They're SO PRETTY!! Thanks Pamela! :) My FAVORITE COLOR OF BLUE! :)

  6. These are beautiful! Thanks so much


  7. I once saw a huge "painting" of one of these butterflies made out of these butterflies. Truly stunning! Thank you!

  8. Oh I just love butterflies. Thank you.

  9. Beautiful butterflies! Thanks!

  10. Pamela! Your work always inspires me!! God Bless your work and family!


Thank-you for your comments! I am so flattered that you stopped by! xo

-pamela :)