Friday, May 4, 2012

Free Digital Stamps - Aloha

Free Vintage Images

 Aloha my friends!!! 

Have you ever been to Hawaii?
{Click on jpg image to download/save...}
Vintage Hawaiian airlines ad...

{Click on jpg image to download/save...}
Palm tree illustration clip art

{Click on png image to download/save...}
The above image has a transparent background.

This hibiscus flower image would
be perfect for Digital Art
or used as a Photoshop brush!

I have been to Hawaii twice...
I got married on the BIG Island.
I have also been to Kauai and Maui,
but not Oahu...

Had ants in the rental car
in Kauai...they say this is the norm???

Many Hollywood movies
 are filmed in Kauai...
Tour the movie location sites!

Feral chickens are all
over Kauai...

The Walmarts in Hawaii
have the BEST souvenirs!
I think there is one on every island!

SPAM {canned meat}
is served at McDonald's,
but I didn't try it...

Hawaii was breathtaking & beautiful!!!
I LOVE the floral scents!!!
I am not really a 
sit-on-the beach kind of gal...
I am always on the go and 
would rather walk to
 see things and places...LOL!!
{I can't sit still for very long...}

MaHaLo!!! xo


  1. Thanks for these great Hawaii images. We've been to Caribbean islands several times, it's a lot closer for us. Maybe one day we'll get to the Hawaiian Islands.

  2. Thank you for the palm tree and hibiscus. they are lovely. I really like them. I enjoyed reading what you had to say about HI. Thanks for sharing. Edwina Brown

    Can you see if you have anything to do with Kentucky Fried Chicken, or Fried Chicken? Thank You, Edwina

  3. SPAM at McDonalds?????????? WOW!!! I would think that would ruin their image/reputation! Isn't it funny!!!!!!! REALLY, if you look----I think EACH STATE has some little quirk of their own! TOO FUNNY!!!!!!! :)

    BEAUTIFUL VINTAGE images Pamela! I think you can tell, I haven't been to Hawaii! LOL :)Thanks Pamela!!!!!!! :)

  4. My son is packing his bags now. He LOVES SPAM! :)
    Gorgeous images Pamela. Thanks so much!


  5. Thanks for these fabulous images, and thanks for all the cool Hawaii fun facts! What a beautiful place to get married! Hugs, Shannah xox

  6. In 1998, my husband won an all expenses paid trip to Maui for 5 days. It was a dream time for us as we had not had a trip without kids before. We are not beach people either but found so many things to do there and it was truly a paradise for us. Someday we hope to go back but for now just content to look at our photos.

    Thanks for these great images and reminding me of the wonderful time we had in Hawaii!

  7. I got married on the beach in Maui. I'm not a sit on the beach type either but there is so many great places to hike but my favorite was island hopping by plane! thanks for the images.

  8. I am currently working on a scrapbook for one of my daughter's teammates who is from Maui. Also, my son and father met my other son in Honolulu when he returned from his first Naval deployment. Thanks for sharing!

  9. thank you for all the beautiful freebies! We used to vacation in Hawaii and then decided to just move here LOL. Big Island, Kona coffee area since 2004 :)


Thank-you for your comments! I am so flattered that you stopped by! xo

-pamela :)