Thursday, June 28, 2012

Free Vintage Printable - Parakeets and Children

Free Vintage Printable

Vintage image of children looking
at parakeets...

I LOVE parakeets {budgies}...

I love their little birdie chatter.
I don't currently have any pet birds.
I used to have parakeets and
English Budgies for many years...

I bought my first parakeet
at Sears when I was 10 yrs old 
for $10 bucks...
{remember years ago when Sears had a pet dept???}

{Click on jpg image to download/save...}
300 dpi printable

This would be cute on a card
or collage project.
Perfect for pinning on Pinterest too!

FREE Vintage Images everyday!!!

Use them for personal 
or commercial...
{be sure to site resource/link back to this site}

Have a fantastic day!!!
Luv ya! xo



  1. I LOVE birdies too! This IS a SWEET IMAGE!!!!!! :)We used to have a parakeet too as a child & as a married person we had little finches! :) Thanks Pamela! :)

  2. I love budgies too, Pamela. I still miss my little Didgeridoo, who passed away about 5 years ago. I raised him from an egg, which actually hatched in the palm of my hand. If you want to see a pic of Didgy, you will find him on the "Pet's Page" of my blog.
    Thanks for this darling image.
    Blessing hugs,

  3. Love this image! It is adorable!!! I like birds, but never had any; always had cats and dogs. Had a relative when I was little that had a tiny bird. He chirped all the time! :)

  4. Oh this is so sweet! Thanks Pamela and hope you have a fab weekend!
    Hugs, Shannah xox


Thank-you for your comments! I am so flattered that you stopped by! xo

-pamela :)