Thursday, June 21, 2012

Free Vintage Printable - Victorian Humor Photo

FREE Vintage Printable

This Victorian photo is perfect
for adding your own humorous
sentiment or caption...

{I can think of many! wink!}
{Click on jpg image to download/save...}

Thank you for stopping by!!! ;)

FREE Vintage Printable Images daily...

Perfect for pinning onto Pinterest too!



  1. Oh, Pamela! That's such a fun one! So much can be done with it! Thanks very much! :o)

  2. I think she's on to something here! Maybe if I used that look I'd get kicked out the kitchen!! WOO's to hoping... :)
    Thanks for the funny this morning Pamela. :)

  3. It is FUNNY!!!!!!! Makes me think of old Charlie Chaplin films! :) This WOULD make a SUPER FUN card!!!!!! :) THANKS PAMELA!!!!!!!!! :)

  4. too cute, Pamela. Thanks bunches. Hugs, Teresa

  5. I have to make something with this RIGHT NOW!

  6. My great grandmother was a maid in a doctor's house in England. The doctor's son got her pregnant so this picture reminds me of this!

  7. What a fabulously cheeky look she has! Thanks for this gem Pamela!
    Hugs, Shannah xox


Thank-you for your comments! I am so flattered that you stopped by! xo

-pamela :)