Sunday, August 5, 2012


Yesterday, I attended the annual 
Mixed-Media Shopping Extravaganza
called "Art Unraveled" here
in Phoenix...

It's been around for ten years, I've been
to this event for maybe the past five years...

The last two years, I was a vendor there
and had a ton of fun!

Since I have two booths
 {Phoenix Scrapbook Store}
inside both Brass Armadillo Antique Malls, I 
decided to go as a shopper this year instead 
of being a vendor...

Look at all of the wonderful vintage
artsy stuff...

Lots of vintage ephemera...

Love it all!

It was inside the ballroom at the
Embassy Suites in Paradise Valley
with 55 vendors and Artist tables.

Vintage ephemera...{drool!}

What else can I buy?

So much to see!

Look at busy it was!

Here is my friend Tricia of

I went with my friend Dawn of

Everyone LOVED her doily blouse!

Large old clock faces...

Mini dress forms...

Shoppers checking out the goodies...

Paper Clay Artist - Jenny Hernandez

How adorable are these creations?

Jenny sometimes teaches classes to create
one of these adorable creations.

I want to take one of her classes!

My friend Shirley of the

Shirley creates amazing
re-purposed perpetual calendars from cookie trays
and small trinkets. Check them out on her blog!

Bundles of fabric.

Fabric Artist Pamela Huntington...
Check out more of her fabulous creations
on her BLOG.

Love these fabric dolls!

Beeswax collage on canvas!

She also had some amazing fabric journals
 she taught at a workshop, but I forget to snap a photo.

Love this!!!

My friend Tricia makes these handmade journals.

Altered cool!

Well, I hope you enjoyed the photos...
It was so much fun!!!

I think I'll be a vendor 
again there next year!
I LOVE doing shows!
{Then I can do a little early shopping 
while other vendors are setting up!}

Have a nice day! 



  1. Wow! That DOES look like fun! I think my fav thing were those perpetual calendars on cookie sheets! Gorgeous!

    1. Thanks Mary! Shirley's perpetual calendars are so fun and very detailed...I forgot to take a close-up photo to share.

      -pamela ;)

  2. Cor where do you begin to look? All that fantastic stuff in one room, dread to think what you spent lol. Elizabeth x

  3. WOW!!!! THANKS for showing us Pamela! LOADS of things to look at today!!!!!!!!! AND all the blogs too!!!!!!!!! WHAT FUN!!!!!!!!!!! THANKS for showing us again!!!!!!!!!! :)

  4. Wow - thanks so much for all those fantastic photos! Wish I could have been there - it looks amazing. I would have headed straight for those dress forms!

  5. I am dizzy just looking at all of these goodies, Pamela! Wow, I bet you had a blast. Thanks for sharing!

  6. Thanks for showing these! So nice to see some more of what you love. AND so nice to see you! :0)

  7. Wow! Thanks for sharing the pics. So nice to see you too. I would have loved to go to this. Would have come home broke too. Ha!

  8. Loppemarked er altid underholende og du har da været på et godt et. knus morkaren.

  9. I am so upset I didn't know about this because I live in the Phoenix area!!!! Was it only a one day event?

  10. This looked awesome,wish we had events like this here in the North East Of England.So jealous :) Jacqueline.S

  11. Totally missed out on that one Pamela. We met out at the original Brass Armadillo, you were in the middle of moving to the new one. My friend Sandy and I went to see your new location, very nice. I also teach Paperclay sculpture if you're ever interested. Check me out at or my shop at


  12. That sounds fantastic, I never heard of such and thing, but I would be thrilled to go to something like that. Great pics!

  13. Oh my goodness, this looks like so much fun. I'd never leave looking at every single dreamy detail. So much talent. Wish they had one locally.

  14. Oh wow, look at all the cool stuff! Thanks for sharing photos of it all.

  15. I've just discovered your blog from a friend - thank you sooo much for sharing such for this fair....AMAZING... what a great time you must have:):):) I'd come home with more than I had to sell, probably!!!

  16. this looks like it was so much fun. Hope you had fun and found some great things.

  17. Pamela, this looks like sooo much fun! What a great show!



Thank-you for your comments! I am so flattered that you stopped by! xo

-pamela :)