Saturday, February 23, 2013

A SWEET Day at Sweet Salvage in Phoenix...

It was another fun girl's day out with my friend, Dawn 
as we made our monthly visit to SWEET SALVAGE
on 7th Avenue in Phoenix, AZ...
Dawn was determined to get this 
vintage GLITTERED Madonna statue...

We always arrive about 10 minutes 
before SWEET SALVAGE opens at 10am...
Near the front entrance is Carissa of
Mama's Dogs ~ Boutique Mobile Food Cart...

Carissa is the most adorable hot dog vendor
I have ever seen! She makes hot dogs
stylish and makes the MOST
amazing cookies ever!
{I bought 8 cookies!}

Dawn sees Judy...

We met a few new friends while waiting in line...

Shoppers can't wait to go inside!

Dawn and I waiting in line...

We head over to our friend's display area,
Myko & Brett...who just joined
SWEET SALVAGE last month.

Love this vintage eye-candy!

LOVE her items adorned with glitter!
She must have tubs of glass glitter! LOL!

Myko made this "adore" was no
surprise that it SOLD right away!

♥ paper rosettes!

Dawn was so happy with her prized treasure...

Vintage pretties...

Love it all...

Myko and Dawn...

If you follow {are addicted...hee hee!}
to Pinterest, then you might have seen
some of these adorable pom-pom
animals on Pinterest made by Myko...

Myko has a newly published book,
"Adventures in Pom-Pom Land"

More SWEET treasures...

SWEET shoppers hunting for treasures...

Vintage treasures...

Industrial chic is SO in...

Anything with a cloche is so pretty...

Vintage tidbits in compartments always
catches my attention...

More SWEET shoppers...

Dawn was on the hunt for a
hard-to-find black globe...
A few moments later, she SCORED one!
What were the chances??? WOW!

Fab display...

If you are ever in the Phoenix area
during the fourth Thursday - Sunday 
of any month, be sure to check out
SWEET SALVAGE on 7th Avenue...

The displays are truly amazing!
The merchandise is FABULOUS!!!

Thank-you for stopping by...♥



  1. sigh! I KNOW I WOULD LOVE THIS PLACE!!!!!!! Just looking at your pictures make me DROOL all over my computer!!!!!!!!!!!! :) THANKS for showing us these pics Pamela! THEY'RE GREAT!!!!!!! :)

  2. I want to go!!! I love Dawns statue, you look marvelous and their displays are a work of art!!!


  3. Åee den madonna Dawn fandt havde jeg også købt, jeg er også helt "høj" når der er loppemarkeder. knus morkaren.

  4. Looks marvelous just along way to go from England aybe if I win the lottery I could squeeze a visit in. Hazel x

  5. Looks like you had a great day! Have a good weekend! Greetings, Gerrina

  6. What a great looking place, wish there was something like that around me... Oh well... Looks like you girls had a blast!

  7. Wow what great displays. And I've seen some things at the pictures I want!! Thanks for sharing!

  8. I love all these images and paper. Thanks for sharing. BTW-Dawn has good taste. I love the Madonna also!

  9. I love seeing your reports from this place. It's so cool what people find and make.

  10. Thanks for sharing your adventure at Sweet Salvage! Beautiful displays and inspiration as always ♥

  11. Great Coverage of the Event Pamela... and I stole... ummmm, I mean Borrowed more than a few of these for Today's Finale' Post. *Winks* BTW: Do you have the one of that Dear Lady that said she was a Blog Supporter, I had wanted to include her but realized we took the pix with YOUR camera and not MINE! *LOL*

    Your Friend... Dawn... The Bohemian

  12. OMG I soooooooo wish i could find something like this here!!! I fear I would have had to buy everything, how do you manage to be so reserved when buying. the choice is unbelievable and oh how envious am I. Glad you had a brill time there
    Carol xx


Thank-you for your comments! I am so flattered that you stopped by! xo

-pamela :)