Monday, March 18, 2013

Vintage Printable - 1920's Sheet Music

Vintage Printable

1920's Ephemera

Perfect for handmade cards,
ATC swaps, artsy projects...

Pin to Pinterest too!

I'll be at the NEW store today,
getting it all set-up...
opening March 29th.

It's a Vintage Paper Arts Store
 located in the Phoenix, AZ area...

My other location is called:
"Phoenix Scrapbook Store"
located inside The Brass Armadillo
Antique Mall in Goodyear, AZ...

"The Paper Collage" is ONLY open
ONE day a week ~ there is something
different with every visit...kinda like
visiting a show, but without admission.

The prices are comparable to
shopping, LOTS
of unique vintage paper arts stuff too!

{Follow updates on my FACEBOOK page}

Here is the transformation so far:
{Pardon the boxes and messy piles...LOL!}


-PaMeLa ♥



  1. oohhh lala! Love that store and am sooooo jealous as I would love to open my own store but the small town I love in, they just don't make it. not enought people scrap here. It's gunna be a beautiful, whimsical store I can see..

  2. where it this new store by the way? Not Louisiana by any chance?????

  3. LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE your store!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) WISH I lived near too!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)


Thank-you for your comments! I am so flattered that you stopped by! xo

-pamela :)