Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Selling Stuff...

Often, shoppers and acquaintances I run into 
mention that they recently saw my booth at
the Brass Armadillo Antique Mall on Cactus/I-17...

I tell them that I left there over a YEAR ago...
I left there in the Summer 2013.

I own a brick & mortar retail store now. :)
I love meeting and chatting with shoppers in person!!!
I didn't get to meet shoppers when I had a booth.

I am truly grateful that I had to opportunity to 
sell out of a little antique mall booth.

The waiting list is a long one to get a booth at
this particular antique mall...and I made a lot
of friends with other dealers.

Here is my very first booth {Booth 96} back in 2011.
It was so cute and charming!
 It was 8' x 8' in size and was such a perfect little
spot to sell my vintage treasures and paper goods from...

 Here is what it looked like when I added all the stuff
for the very first time. 
Of course, it would change over time
as I added more things.

It's FUN to have a booth at an antique mall. 
Keep it tidy, have reasonable prices, and well-stocked with merchandise...
Shoppers will come! LOL!

It's so fun when you start having sales!

I never really got to interact with shoppers and never knew
who was shopping in my booth, unless I was there stocking it.

I was always wondering who was shopping in my booth.

The antique mall employees ring up the sales and would
tell me the feedback from shoppers who were buying from my booth!
I had a lot of return shoppers! ♥

 Within a few months, I added more and more stuff!

 I started to outgrow my little booth and moved into a
larger one within a year...

This is my first double-sized booth...and it needed
a makeover to better reflect my style and stand out.

 I LOVE the colors pink and aqua!
So, I painted my booth these colors 
so it would stand apart from other booths...

 I called my booth, "Phoenix Scrapbook Store"...

Over time, there were a few dealers who told me that they LOVED
my booth and were inspired to get one too!

Soon, there were other booths that were offering
the SAME type of stuff I was selling...

OK, I look at this as synergy.
More selection for shoppers who were
in search of vintage scrapbook and paper arts stuff
at ONE location...

Other dealers started asking me if I got another booth.
These other booths looked too similar to mine...

The merchandise was getting mixed up when the
employees would ring stuff up...what a mess! :(

I loved my booths. I had two of them at two different locations
and I had a retail store too!!! I was spreading myself too thin...

 I had a showroom at the OTHER Brass Armadillo Antique Mall location.
I had to give up this one too over a year ago {Summer 2013}...

It was time to move on...
I needed a place to move my stuff and continue selling online.
I found a sweet little place over Christmas vacation 2012, 
right across the street from the Post Office!!! Woo-hoo!

A friend of mine suggested that I have a little area for retail.

Since I had the merchandise, 
I sectioned off half of the space for retail. 

Would shoppers come visit my store?

They came to visit my store and they TOLD friends too!

Fast forward to current and here is what it looks like:

Lots and lots of scrapbook paper and other card making treasures!

 Sweet treats for shoppers...LOL! ♥

I'm truly grateful for ALL of the shoppers who stop by!

I meet and chat with shoppers and we
have so much FUN in classes too!

I have made so many NEW friends in my store!

It's called, "The Paper Collage"...I hope
 you come visit my store if you are ever in the Phoenix, AZ area.

See you soon!!!



  1. I met you in the second spot with Meri a couple of years ago...I SO wish you were closer! I live in East Mesa, almost to Apache Junction...the gas alone would take my profit! lol If you ever decide to do another location...PLEASE think of us here int he East valley.... I ams o glad you have your own store now...you so deserve it! Sandy

  2. Lovely store. I wish I could visit but I am too far away in Sydney, Australia.

  3. What SUPER FUN PAMELA!!! LOVE seeing the progression of your business!!! :D Have a SUPER DAY!!! (In SALES TOO!) :D

  4. What a great Journey you've been on my Friend and I'm so very Happy for you that each location has been such a success that you're expanding the Empire each and every step of the way! *winks* Of coarse, your very Talented Art of the Display and ability to Teach Creates an Atmosphere for Shoppers than the Chain Stores just cannot offer or compare! Your Friend Dawn... The Bohemian


Thank-you for your comments! I am so flattered that you stopped by! xo

-pamela :)