Thursday, November 6, 2014

Artist Trading Card ATC Swap

Every month, we host a monthly ATC Swap. 

There are TWO themes to select from... 
Create a set for one or both themes.
Here are some of the fabulous creations from the 
swap from last month...Christmas and/or Steampunk.
Create a set of 6 Artist Trading Cards
and receive 6 random ones back in return...

All six can be the same or different.
Just as long as you turn in six of the same theme.

Many participants mail them to our store
with a self-address postage envelope.

We LOVE this altered envelope - such MAIL ART!

So many artsy and fabulous creations!

If you are interested in participating in the ATC Swap
or want to find out more info...

They are DUE by the THIRD Friday of each month.

They are swapped and mailed back out the following Friday...
The NEXT two themes are:

Color Combo: Blue/White
Anyone can participate!
The next SWAP is DUE by November 21st.

We look forward to seeing your swaps!



  1. Thanks...I will share this with my collage students!

  2. Hi! It's been a while since I've done an ATC swap by mail, but you've got me interested again! I'm not sure if I'll manage by the November deadline, but am going to try, and keep an eye on future months' themes as well. I do have a question -- do you want a stamped return envelope for sending back the cards? Anything else I should know?


  3. SUCH TALENT your readers have Pamela!!! :D

  4. Love the Christmas and mail art. I am such a sucker for both.


Thank-you for your comments! I am so flattered that you stopped by! xo

-pamela :)