Sunday, January 8, 2012

FREE Vintage Digital Stamp - 1920's Lady

Free Vintage Digi Stamp

This lovely vintage lady was a
fabulous rubber stamp...
a very popular image!

I share the image with you...
"Miss Clara"
is now a retired
rubber stamp...

{Click to download/save jpg image...}

{Click to download/save png image...}
The above image has a transparent background.
Perfect for digital art!

{Click to download/save jpg image...}

Miss Clara is now a free digi stamp
for you to save, print, and color.

Let me know if you create
something with this image...

I would love to post a link
to your fabulous creation
on FaceBook for all to see...


Free Vintage Digital Stamps...
Free Digi Scrapbook Paper...
Free Vintage downloads...
Added daily!

Thanks again! xo
p.s. - Would you like to enter another giveaway?
I'm posting it later today...


  1. Thank you for this fabulous lady!

  2. Hi Pamela! Boy this lady is gorgeous! Thanks for your generosity!

    and speaking of generosity, THANK YOU for the amazing prize! I received it YESTERDAY, but do you think I can find your email? LOL, I have it stored on MY computer which is on the fritz, so I am using DH's!

    It's a FANTABULOUS prize! I can't WAIT to use it, and I'll surely show you how I do!

    Hugs, and thanks again!

  3. She is so lovely, Pamela. Thank you. Hugs, Teresa

  4. Ohhhh, Miss Clara is lovely!! I'm going on a cruise in a couple of weeks (to celebrate our 30th Anniversary!) & I would love to look as pretty as Miss Clara does on our formal nights! Thanks bunches & bunches!!!!!!

  5. @ScrappyMama - that sounds like so much fun! I love going on cruises! The buffet is my 2nd favorite part of going on a cruise. Which cruise are you going on? xo

    -pamela :)

  6. Miss Clara is lovely,Pamela! I already have a card in mind for the collaged image. Thanks!

  7. Lovely vintage lady, thankyou!!

  8. Love this,love it,love it, thank you so very much hugs CAthy K

  9. Love this Vintage Lady, Thank you for sharing her!

  10. She's beautiful! I can't wait to color her! Her skirt will be perfect to practice my shading on!...Nancy :o)

  11. Thanks for beautiful images

  12. I finally used her in my project!!:-)


Thank-you for your comments! I am so flattered that you stopped by! xo

-pamela :)