Sunday, January 22, 2012

Free Vintage Photos Download - Military WWII

Vintage Military
Freebie downloads!

These images are circa 1940's

Vintage Military is not often
easy to locate for crafting or
scrapbook projects...

Here are a few images you might enjoy:
{Click to download/save jpg image...}

{Click to download/save jpg image...}

Look at these handsome fellas!
{Click to download/save jpg image...}

Some vintage-themed military
digi scrapbook paper might
go nice with these...

What do you think?


I'm glad you stopped by!

Vintage images daily!
Something different everyday!
Several times a day...


  1. Thank you for these! My Dad was in the Marines and staioned in the South Pacific during WW II, so this is so appropriate for me.
    Semper Fi!

  2. Love the pic of the handsome fellas!! My DH is retired US Navy so I would love, love, love some military themed digi papers...maybe with anchors : ) ???????!! Go Navy!!!!!!

  3. These are SOOO GREAT!!!!!!!! My husband will enjoy these too! (He was in the military!) :) Thank You!!!!!! :)


Thank-you for your comments! I am so flattered that you stopped by! xo

-pamela :)