Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Free Vintage Digital Stamp - Big Wigs

Free Vintage Digital Stamp

How uncomfortable do these
wig head pieces look?

During the late 18th century,
wigs became quite exaggerated
and adorned with embellishments.

Sometimes a wire frame was
used to help maintain
the height of the wig.

{Click to download/save jpg image...}

I wonder what they did
on windy days...

{Click to download/save png image...}
The above image has a transparent background.

Wonderful for digital art!

Free Vintage Images everyday!

Happy Valentines Day!


  1. LOL...and we think there was big hair in the eighties! They must not have had windy days in that period of history! haha These are really great, Pamela! Thank you! :o)

  2. It's hard to believe that people really did that! I think they had to have an anchor to go out in the wind! Lol!

  3. Oh! And thanks for sharing this crazy image!

  4. Thanks Pamela!!!!!!!! This IS FUNNY!!!!!!! :) I would GUESS, the ladies would all go to one home,taking off their wigs, carrying them till they got to the home of their destination. Then when they got there, there HAD TO BE a room where they could descreetly put their wigs on & then be received by their hostess! They would sit & sip Tea all day; that way they could still get their gossip & look "good" too! LOL :) Does that sound reasonable???? :)

  5. These are awesome, Pamela. Can you image doing a get well card with this image for someone who suffers with migraines?

    No one ever wore those on Prince Edward Island. They would either been blown over by the wind or snagged by a fishing line. HA!

  6. These are wonderful! Thank you for posting them. They put me in mind of Princess Leia, or better yet, Lina Lamont from "Singin' in the Rain"! Just think of the strength needed in the neck and shoulders to carry one of those!

  7. I think they just replaced big crazy hair with big crazy hats, lol. These are awesome and I cannot wait to use this image. Thanks so very much.

  8. OMG! Fashion is so crazy! Yesterday's and today's. Thank you for the image!

  9. Ummmm...what? LOL! These are truly unique. :D

  10. I like it. I have used this image on one of my tag. Thanks a lot from bottom of my heart for sharing this vintage treasure.



Thank-you for your comments! I am so flattered that you stopped by! xo

-pamela :)