Saturday, February 11, 2012

Free Vintage Image Downloads - Retro Ads

Free Retro Image Downloads

Are you drinking this much
OJ everyday?

{CLick to download/save jpg image...}

What is this kid doing?

{Click to download/save jpg image...}

Sometimes, you might never know
when you suddenly need an
image of a pickle getting
ready to take
a cider vinegar bath...

{Click to download/save jpg image...}

I hope you are
having a fabulous weekend!

I have been posting
your wonderful creations
over here on

If you don't see your
creation posted {yet} or if you
made something with an image
from this site,
contact me
with your link so I can get it
posted for all to see!


  1. You're absolutely right Pamela! Just this morning I was lying in bed thinking, "Gee... I SO wish I had an image of a pickle getting ready to take an apple cider bath... (sigh)" LOLOL!!! You crack me up! These are fabulous - thank you!
    Hugs, Shannah xox

    1. Shannah - I just knew it! WHat were the chances? xo

      -pamela ;)

  2. Pamela!!!!
    (Insert praise and gratitude here) :D
    These freakin' ROCK!!!!
    I'm just about done with all my DT projects for the month and then it will be my time to play with all the amazing fun stuff you've shared! WOO HOO. I cannot wait.

  3. LOVE these Retro Images!!!!!!!!!! I noticed the 57 on the Pickle Image!!!!!!! Would you believe I "know" someone who LOVE PICKLES & even drinks the juice FIRST!!!!!!!!! ( I'll have to send her your way too!) :) Thanks for showing us!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. THANKS Pamela!!!!!! Just saw my card on PINTEREST!!!!!!!!!!! :)You make a person feel good!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

  5. Especially love the pickle!!! Thank you so much!!

  6. You are just darn creative and generous. I love this site and look forward to all the goodies you post. Love it.

  7. This is SO amazing!!! You're SO generous to be giving these STUNNING vintage illustrations.... for a vintage junkie like myself, this is heaven :') Thank you! and all the best to you!


Thank-you for your comments! I am so flattered that you stopped by! xo

-pamela :)