Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Vintage Printables - Old Postcard Humor

Free Vintage Printable

Here are a couple of old postcards
that I had in my collection...

They certainly had a way
with words back then...
{Click on jpg image to download/save...}
300 dpi printable

"Don't worry or you will
get old in a hurry"

Simple words of wisdom...
{Click on jpg image to download/save...}
"Come Birdie come and 
live with me"

Hmmm? I'm not sure about the meaning
behind this one is, but it's a tad...creepy! LOL!

Maybe it had a different meaning
a hundred years ago?

Anyhow, these are a tad different
than the vintage images I
usually come across...

They would be great for unique
handmade cards, signs, 
blog banners, business cards, etc...

Perfect for pinning onto Pinterest!
{Thank-you for the pins! You're FAB!}

I'm glad you stopped by... ;)

Tell your friends!!!



  1. They're great, Pamela! There must be an interesting story behind the second one! lol Thanks very much! :o)

  2. Funny and great message on the first.
    The second seems to be a romantic comic image online, but if you search the words they are also part of the lyrics for "Come, Birdie, Come" by Charles Albert White. I'm thinking that this may have been its sheet music illustration. I came across plenty of those during piano lessons and some of them can be pretty looney. ;)


  3. These are great...even the creepy one! Thanks!!

  4. Thank you for these...well, slightly outrageous images. Lol!

  5. Thanks for the great images. The second one really speaks to the way men keep their women. In a cage as they would a bird. Sad but true. That would be a funny wedding card. lol I love these images. Thanks so much.

  6. They ARE FUNNY Pamela! :) The second one looks like the person who made them thought marriage was a trap! LOL

  7. Love these digi, they are different.... I plan on using the 1st one on a birthday card for one of my cousins this Sept.


  8. What great images! Thanks for sharing with us.

  9. These are soooo great. Thanks. Lynne from OZ

  10. They did have a way with words and the 2nd one is definitely creepy!


Thank-you for your comments! I am so flattered that you stopped by! xo

-pamela :)