Friday, October 5, 2012

Vintage Printable - Godey's Ladies

Free Vintage Printable

Godey's Ladies Fashion Plate
{Click on image to download/save...}
300 dpi printable

Today, I am in NYC!!!
I have been to NYC a few years ago...
LOVED it!!

I was told by a former New Yorker
to eat at Ray's Pizza...hmmm? 
Which one? There are many versions!

Oh well...can't go wrong with any pizza
from NYC, right?

Last time, hubby dragged over me
 to Whitecastle Hamburgers...I was
able to try them for the first time.
They are better than the frozen ones!

Of course, my burger of choice is
In-N-Out burger {west coast}...yum!!!

Thanks for stopping by!!!



  1. A beautiful image, Pamela! Thank you! Have a fabulous time!...Nancy :o)

  2. I so enjoy these fashion images. Thank you. Have a great time while you are away!

  3. LOOOOOOOVELY IMAGE Pamel!!!!!!!!! :)

    DOOOOO HAVE FUN!!!!!!!!!! :) We've been into PIZZA this week! :) White Castle? Don't like them! Bad memories from childhood! I know, TRY AS MANY of the "Rays' Pizza" places as you can!!!!!!! :) Pizza for Breakfast, lunch, dinner, & snacks! Smuggle in your own soda though! :)

  4. All this talk of pizza and hamburgers is making me feel hungry!! Love the image - thank you. Have a nice break.

  5. Really lovely ladies, thanks, and have a great time..


  6. Oh my goodness, I just found you. THANK YOU SO MUCH for all these amazing images.

  7. Merci beaucoup pour toutes ces images que vous donnez avec gentillesse. Votre blog est très beau. Je citerais votre blog lorsque je mettrais mes cartes sur mon blog.
    Encore merci.


Thank-you for your comments! I am so flattered that you stopped by! xo

-pamela :)