Thursday, November 15, 2012

SWeeT SaLVaGE - Comfort & Joy

Today, I went to visit "Sweet Salvage" 
occasional market here in Phoenix, AZ.

Sweet Salvage is open four days a month
with a different theme each month...
The theme this month was
"Comfort & Joy"

Is this the most adorable girly hot dog
stand you've ever seen?
LOVE it!

Shoppers rush in to hunt for
vintage treasures
and pretty things to buy...

Sweet Salvage has so much pretty eye-candy!

Who doesn't love a pretty pink tree?

Love this display!

More vintage treasures...

Here is a creative way 
to display your ornaments...

Shhhh...don't tell anyone, but even
Santa shops at Sweet Salvage too!

So pretty!

Customers start lining up to check out...

So many pretty things at Sweet Salvage!

The shopper behind us found some cool things...

Judy is another "Sweet Salvage" regular...

I went to Sweet Salvage with my friend Dawn.
We always have so much fun checking out 
the fabulous places along 7th Avenue...

Dawn found a vintage 
horse ribbon for her collection.

This fabulous "JOY" sign was already "SOLD"
within minutes after the store opened...

If you are ever in the Phoenix, AZ area,
be sure to check out "Sweet Salvage"...

It's so fabulous!
Sweet Salvage is open during the third
Thursday of each month {Thurs-Sun}
and is located: 4648 N. 7th Avenue
in Phoenix, AZ....

Thanks for stopping by!!! ;)



  1. Excellent post. Love the awesome photos that capture the spirit of Sweet Salvage. *U ROCK*
    Thank You! SweetMan

  2. Cool adventure for you and your friend Dawn! Looks like you both had a grand time!

    1. Thanks Gail! It was so much fun! Always a great shopping vibe and very well organized at "Sweet Salvage"...

      -PaMeLa ;)

  3. Hi there......I've been there...but not this is always so great!!

    BTW...I didn't know you were an AZ am I.



    1. Hi Jo - It's so neat to meet other local Bloggers! {waving!}

      -PaMeLa ;)

  4. Pam, that looks like so much fun, we don't have any occasional sales here, but I know they do in a lot of the parts of the country.


    1. Carol - The occasional market is a HUGE hit here! Fancy Flea in your area looks so fun to attend! ;)


  5. Skønt marked du har været på, og så var selveste "julemanden" til stede og tjekke om alt gik rigtig til. knus morkaren.

  6. Cor very gorgeous things as usual. Love your friends lace top! Elizabeth xxx

    1. Thanks Elizabeth! Dawn always gets a ton on compliments on her lace top - one time a customer thought Dawn was a mannequin and started tugging on her top to buy it! LOL!

      -PaMeLa ;)

  7. WOW!!!! WHAT FUN!!!!!!! :) LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE ALL THE PICTURES!!!!!! ALMOST as good as being there! THANKS PAMELA!!!!!! :)

    1. Thanks Becky!!! Always glad to share the experience with everyone!

      -PaMeLa ;)

  8. I am sooooo jealous! I would love to go to something like this. I love the crocheted top your friend Dawn has on, too!

    1. Thanks Mary! An artist friend of Dawn's made that lace top out of vintage doilies. It's so pretty! ;)


  9. Ohhhhhhhhhh, Thanks for sharing the pics was perfect timing as I'm in a bit of a blue funk today & needed something pretty (OK, a lot of pretties!!) to distract me! I'm curious about the prices there...are they reasonable or "ridiculous"??

    1. ScrappyMama - Glad the photos help add a bit of sunshine to your day! {wink!}

      The prices are pretty reasonable. The items they have are so amazing and hard-to-find, you'd be amazed with how many larger pieces have a *SOLD* ticket on them right after the store opens...then you think, "Darn! I wanted that too!" LOL!

      -PaMeLa ;)

  10. Thanks for answering me about the prices! I was just curious, 'cause sometimes when you go to an antique store/show/etc & they have some amazing things but the prices are soooooooo high that rarely does anyone other than another antique dealer buy HE can sell it! When I go, I'm not expecting thrift store prices (though I wouldn't argue with them - wink!), but I don't enjoy going if all I can do is look at all the things that I can't have!

  11. I live close by (well, Fountain Hills isn't REAL close, LOL ) and I've never heard of this place. I have friends who will love to see this place. Thanks for the tip and the pictures.

  12. Whoa, I want that Life is Sweet sign with the cupcakes! So cute!


Thank-you for your comments! I am so flattered that you stopped by! xo

-pamela :)