Saturday, November 10, 2012

Vintage Printable - Three Ladies Old Photo

Free Vintage Printable

Isn't this an interesting photo?
I wonder if these are sisters?

Can you imagine the value on
those antique bears if 
they are still around today?

Is that a real chimp?
Why is there a chimp in the photo?
{Click on jpg image to download/save...}

What a fun photo!

Hope you are having a nice weekend!
Many thanks for stopping by!!! ;)



  1. That looks like a baby polar bear too, to the left! I'll BET those animals are TAXIDERMED! BEFORE all the laws to protect endangered species! MAYBE, their parents were World Travelers???? VERY INTERESTING PHOTO Pamela! THANKS!!!!!!! :)

  2. They sure had a sense of humor! I agree with TLady that the animals are taxidermed. What a keeper! I found some really strange negatives one time from probably the 30s and they were pretty strange too.

  3. Thank you som much for sharing all these gorgeus photos! I just discovered youre blog and I've already downloaded a bunch of photos I just cant wait to use :-) Just love that all are printable and high solution :-)

    Love Kristina

  4. Thanks for this stamps and really neat looking photos. My dad found old photos in a very old vitnage snap shot photo album. That my grandmother had we think she bought it at a yard sale. I scanned them all into my computer and crop them from the pages and saved them in a file folder. Now just cleaning them up and some of them I am colorizing in photoshop CS5 and enjoying them. I might do the same on my blog and share some the old vintage photos too.

  5. I love this one. I have saved a good number of your stamps and just want to thank you for posting all these goodies. Have a great Thanksgiving.


Thank-you for your comments! I am so flattered that you stopped by! xo

-pamela :)