Tuesday, October 1, 2013

The Paper Collage Paper Arts Store...

The Paper Collage store opened six months ago...where does the time go?
It originally started as a place to process online orders...
Having a post office across the street is a BONUS!
Here it is the day I got the keys back in December.
All mine! 

I had to run out to buy a few essentials like paper towel,
hand soap, cleaning supplies, etc...
It sort of reminded me 
of when I got my very first apartment...LOL!

Now that I look back, it looks so small when I 
started getting it all set up...

I have fabric clipped to wire racks to hide the
storage stuff...{I call it "the wall of fabric"}
It's made it through several moves over the
past several months as more merchandise has been added...

Another view...

Rolled paper...

This vintage desk makes a fabulous store display!

Open for business in April...
Shoppers came to visit! 

More shoppers!

Fast forward to September...Halloween display.

The Paper Collage last week {Sept. 2013}

I brought in some furniture displays, so it
was time to do a major move all around the store...
It took two days to re-merchandise and put it
back together again...

Here it is:
It's always fun to put a hat on an old photo {carefully!}

Halloween tags...

I love my new chippy paint round table!!!
I wasn't sure if it was going to fit through the door!
We rolled it into the store...LOL!
Here is a partial glimpse of the rearranging...I like it much better!

Here is a close-up of the Halloween display.
I can't wait for shoppers to see it! 
I hope they LOVE it!!!

If you are ever in the Phoenix, AZ area and
are looking for a Scrapbook or Paper Arts Store...
Stop by The Paper Collage in Arizona.

Open every Friday, 10am - 4pm
and a BONUS shopping day
this Wednesday, October 2nd
10am - 2pm...

See you soon!!! ♥


  1. Great pics of your beginnings. Wish you were a bit closer I would definitely be there!

  2. Pamela, you have much to be proud of; WOW; what a transformation.

  3. I would love to come and visit, your shop looks marvellous. I don't think we have anything similar in the UK.

  4. Oh it is looking fabulous! I wish I lived closer because you have such neat looking stuff. I love the vintage desks/tables you use for displaying things.

  5. I THINK your customers are going to LOOOOOOVE your RE-ARRANGE Pamela !!!!!!!!:) WISH I could come & visit!!!!!!!!!!!:) LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVING to LOOK !!!:)

  6. Pamela, it looks so adorable and fun!! I love the hat on the old picture!


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Thank-you for your comments! I am so flattered that you stopped by! xo

-pamela :)