Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Artist Trading Card Swap

 We LOVE Artist Trading Cards! ♥

The Paper Collage hosts a monthly
ATC Swap with two different themes every month. 
Participate in one or both themes.

The swaps are DUE on the third Friday 
of each month...they are swapped out and
ready for pick-up or mailed back the following Friday...

 Look at the pile of swaps that were mailed in!

 The two themes for July were:
Paris and Thanksgiving.

 So many beautiful works of art were turned in!

 Participants turn in SIX ATCs
and receive FIVE back...

They can be all the same or all different!

The 6th one is displayed in The Paper Collage store
for shoppers to admire and be inspired...♥
 {Photo by Dawn/Bohemian Valhalla}

 {Photo by Dawn/Bohemian Valhalla}

 {Photo by Dawn/Bohemian Valhalla}

{Photo by Dawn/Bohemian Valhalla}

WOW! Weren't those ALL beautiful?!!

If you are interested in participating in the
monthly swaps...CLICK HERE for more info!

The two themes for August are:
Color Challenge: Aqua/Red

We'd love to have you join the swap!
It's so neat to see each participant's interpretation 
of the monthly theme!

Thanks for stopping by! ♥



Thank-you for your comments! I am so flattered that you stopped by! xo

-pamela :)