Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Free Digital Stamp - Storybook Children

You never know when you
might need an image
of children and other animals
riding a cow...

{Click to download/save jpg image...}

This image would be so fun to color!

You could add party hats to the children
and then you have a nice
birthday card!

"Happy Birthday"
from all of us!

Wouldn't that be cute?

{Click to download/save png image...}
The above image has a transparent background.

Great for digital art!


  1. I love this digital stamp! It is unusual. It would make a great image for a farm theme challenge.

  2. OMG...just last week I was telling a girlfriend of mine that I wish I had a cow with kid's riding it!!!!
    No, no that didn't happen at all, but now I'm gonna call her and tell her...
    "'ll never guess what I have!"

    Lisa xx

  3. Thanks! That's really cute and looks like it would be fun to colour.

  4. Pamela! How did you know? The first thing I put on today's "to do" list was..."find image of children and other animals riding cow"! I think I've already asked you this...but were you peeking in my window AGAIN? :o)

  5. Your images are always awesome. TFS!

  6. @Nancy - You caught me! I was hiding in the shrubs again right outside your window, I rode my cow over to your house...I need to stop doing that. xo

    -pamela ;)

  7. Well, I didn't know that I needed an image of a cow with kids & other animals riding on it...until I saw this! It really is cute & I think your birthday card idea is perfect for it!! Thanks!

  8. Great image! Thanks so much, Pamela! Love this as it's so realistic! Speaking as a country gal....

  9. I agree with Cindy. I like how it is so realistic, and in scale.

  10. Such cuties! Thanks Pamela! Hugs, Shannah xox

  11. I saw this image and immediately my dad's voice was in my head telling me about the time he and his siblings, dog, a couple of chickens and a few kids from "down the lane" rode a cow in the 4th of July parade! Thanks for the image and the memory.

  12. I love this image! My kids have ridden pigs but not cows. The rooster and hens stay out of the way. Thank you for the image.

  13. You reminded me of this image, referring to it with the little girl...I LOVE THIS IMAGE!!!!! SOOOO CUTE!!!!!!!!! What a FUN card one could create! :)

  14. I never rode our cows, but this image is so much fun!! Thank you!!

  15. Wow what a cool image. Lovely work. I am your newest follower, will be back to look around more later. ~Diane


Thank-you for your comments! I am so flattered that you stopped by! xo

-pamela :)