Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Free Retro Image Downloads - Sally and Puff

Free Retro Images
Fabulous downloads!
Okay folks, it's time for the
misadventures of
"Sally & Puff".

Sally is using the
carpet sweeper
wearing her
pretty blue dress
and Mary Jane shoes...

Sally said, "Oh boy!
This is fun!"

{Click to download/save jpg image...}

Uh-oh, Puff is looking to be
a little mischievous, like
most kitties can be...

Looks like Puff found
a ride on Mother's vacuum cleaner.
Oh gosh, silly Puff!

{Click to download/save jpg image...}

The end.

I hope you enjoyed that! ;)



  1. LOL...So adorable, Pamela! Thanks for the chuckles! I love Sally's facial expressions in both of these! :o)

  2. That is adorable! I don't know many cats that would ride on a vacuum cleaner though. :-)

  3. Brilliant Digi's Dawn, thanks for becoming a follower of my blog today, I'm now one of your followers too. Love all your work here. Teresa x

  4. Thanks for these! It is great to see Sally and Puff again. I learned to read from the Dick, Jane and Sally books. Man! Am I OLD! LOL!

  5. Oh my gosh these are just adorable! Thanks Pamela! Hugs, Shannah xox

  6. Oh, I love these. I also learned from Dick and Jane. I am thinking my oldest daughter may really appreciate these made into a Valentine card??
    Thanks so much.

  7. This is great. I feel like I am in Grade 1 again. Thanks, Teresa

  8. Oh my goodness,,,,,talk about a blast from the past!!!!! I used to LOVE Dick and Jane and all the rest!!!!! I couldn't wait to go to school and READ about them! LOL

    thanks so much for these, they have some lovely memories for me,,,,,

    man, I feel old! LOL!

  9. Hahaha...this is brilliant. Already jotted down the quote I'm using with this. :)

    Thanks for this and the ideas for flocking...genius!!

    high five,
    Lisa xx

    1. @Lisa - I can't wait to see what you come up with! xo

      -pamela :)

  10. Yeah, I'm thinkin' that Sally won't think that a vacuum is near as much fun after she's had to use one for 30+ years LOL!!!! Her expression is priceless in the 2nd pic...I LOVE it!! I remember Dick and Jane...I don't remember Sally though. I hope you have more of her/their adventures to share with us! Thanks!!

    1. @ScrappyMama - that is hilarious! LOL! xo

      -pamela :)

  11. Pamela!!!!!!!!
    THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOW, I can comment on your WONDERFUL IMAGES!!!!!!! :) You've made me HAPPY today!!!!!! :) I ABSOLUTELY ADORE Dick & Jane images!!!!!!!! I remember them as a child! (Dating myself, I know! )

    1. @Becky - you're welcome! I'm glad you like the images too! xo

      -pamela :)

  12. Takes me back a while! How awesome! I haven't seen these images in ages. Thank you.

  13. Why am I sitting here with tears in my eyes?????
    Maybe I am yearning for the good old days when we were young and had no worries!!!
    I am 66 and Sally & Puff are old friends.

    1. @Mickey - that is so sweet to hear! There certainly is something very special about the "good old days"...glad to hear that you were happy to see Puff & Sally again. xo

      -pamela :)

  14. I also remember Sally and Puff. What great images you always have. Thanks!

    1. @txexperiment - Thank you so much! I'm glad you are enjoying the images! xo

      -pamela :)

  15. Take me back to grade school! And, boy am I glad I'm not there now. Thank you for the pages.

  16. I think these are the books kids should read now. We didn't seem to have many problems and these books were the best! Thank you for the memories!


Thank-you for your comments! I am so flattered that you stopped by! xo

-pamela :)