Sunday, June 24, 2012

Free Vintage Printable - Cats with Hats

FREE Vintage Printable 

Very old German postcards...
Pretty funny and cute to see
kittens wearing clothing...

*{Rene - I know you'll get a kick out of these!}

{Click on jpg image to download/save...} 
300 dpi printable  

{Click on jpg image to download/save...} 
300 dpi printable 

So many fun things you can create 
with these vintage images!!!

Free Vintage Images daily...
For personal or commercial use
{be sure to link back or credit this site...}

Perfect to pin onto Pinterest too!!! 

Have a fabulous day!!!
Thanks for dropping by...



  1. That second post card is SOOO CUTE with the kitties face.....crying....! I've seen that face on some of our kitties here!!!!!!!!! :) Usually, it's a "FEED ME!" face!!!!!!!! LOL
    Thanks Pamela! :)

  2. OMGoodness! These are LOL cute, Pamela. Thanks bunches.

  3. LOL these made me laugh! Downloading right now!

  4. These are just adorable, love them. We have 2 kitties now and they make life enjoyable.....


  5. I just noticed your note to me. :-) YES, I will enjoy these. They are a hoot.

  6. Really cute images. Thanks for sharing these and all your images!


Thank-you for your comments! I am so flattered that you stopped by! xo

-pamela :)